To our valued customers and community members,
This unprecedented public health crisis is impacting our communities in many ways, and Maine Solar Solutions is doing what we can to support the health and wellbeing of the communities we work and live. We have been closely monitoring national and state orders related to COVID-19 and taking careful consideration of our responsibility to our customers, employees, our families, and our greater community.
Answers to our most frequently are below. We will update this page as our response to COVID-19 evolves.
Last updated: July 28, 2021
We Continue to Be Here For You
We are continuing to operate with the integrity and high standard of service you have come to expect.
- Most of our office staff has been and continues to be working from home
- Our installation, solar assessments, support, maintenance, and repair services are continuing safely, but uninterrupted.
- Our technical support staff is available for support and diagnosis.
- Our Solar Consultants remain available for assessments and are here to answer all of your solar questions.
- Our administrative team continues to process permitting and CMP paperwork and is available to answer your questions.
Are you still conducting free solar assessments?
Yes! At this time, we are conducting free contactless assessments and virtual proposal calls to review system designs and answer your questions. Our team will still come to your home to assess your roof and location. After we assess your property for its solar potential, we will schedule a Zoom call where we will review our assessment findings and present system designs to review with you.
To schedule a free virtual assessment, please click here.
Should I expect any disruptions should I need service or have questions about my system?
Though most of our team is working remotely, Maine Solar Solutions continues to operate safely and uninterrupted. If you ever feel that there is a problem with your solar energy system, you can fill out our service form here or give us a call at (207) 871-7191.
What are the safety protocols for installers?
Our team leads will be reaching out to you within two to three weeks of your installation start date to coordinate your project.
Protocols that we are following to ensure hygiene and safety during installations:
- Hand wash stations
- Use of hand sanitizer and wipes
- Use of masks and gloves as appropriate
- Appropriate Social distancing
What you can do to maintain safety:
- Please notify us if you have any concerns or requests regarding how we can safely work at your home.
- Please notify us if anyone in your household is sick or at high risk of exposure at your home.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly with any concerns on how this may impact you:
Project Manager: Philip Walter, Operations Manager at (207) 272-0154 or
CMP Paperwork or payment terms: Maureen Williams at (207) 871-7191 or maureen@mainesolarsolutions.
We’ve been your local solar company for nine years, and we look forward to continuing to work with our community as we enable the transformation to renewable energy for all Mainers. We also appreciate the support we’ve received in return – from the flexibility and understanding shown by our customers, to the hard work from our employees and vendors. We know that with vigilance, discipline, and good spirit, we will continue to get through this together.
Very sincerely,
Sam Zuckerman and the Maine Solar Solutions team